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Expatrio StudyBuddy

Your personal assistant for studying in Germany

Discover Expatrio StudyBuddy, a friendly guide to help you through your entire journey to Germany.

  • Helpful tools so you can have a hassle-free journey to Germany
  • Tailored checklist to support you through university application, visa, and more
  • Personalized study recommendations with smart course-matching technology
  • Live webinars for every stage of your journey, including expert Q&A sessions

Chosen a study program?

StudyBuddy will guide you along the remaining journey

Plan your application & visa process with the step-by-step checklist

Get helpful tips & resources at every step of the checklist

Save your progress and return anytime


Not chosen a program?

Your StudyBuddy is here to help you find a program

Take quizzes to get advanced recommendations

Alternatively, filter through 2,500+ English courses 

Find your perfect program!


Everything Made Easier

A complete solution to make your journey to Germany seamless


Keeping You Organized

Interactive checklist to find useful resources at each step and save your progress


Find Your Dream Course

Find programs tailored for you with our smart course recommendations


Live Webinars

Regular webinars covering important stages of your student journey, including a live Q&A with experts


Learn How StudyBuddy Can Help You

Watch a quick summary of the StudyBuddy to find out how it can help you find your perfect study program in Germany!


StudyBuddy Checklist

Making your move to Germany easy

The only checklist you will need for a stress-free journey to Germany

  • Comprehensive checklist to guide you through every essential step from start to finish
  • All you need in one place, with clear explanations and useful tips every step of the way
  • Save your progress and resume exactly where you left off

StudyBuddy Quizzes

Find your perfect study program in Germany

The ultimate solution to find your best-fit program, whether you have a plan or are still exploring.

  • Quizzes to match you with your perfect course based on your personality and preferences
  • Smart course-matching technology like never before
  • Advanced recommendations from a database of over 2,500 Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in English
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🎓 Live Webinars with Experts

Join our live webinars in your language!

  • Live webinars covering key topics for every stage of the student journey
  • Join live Q&As with university officials and experts

Tips & Insights from the Expatrio Blog

A student sitting on the floor and typing on a laptop

Studying in Austria vs. Germany: What's the Difference?

ExpatrioDec 11, 2024 9:00:00 AM

So you've decided to study in Europe, but you don't know whether to choose Austria or Germany? Then you've come to the right place. Both countries...

The library of a university

Studying in the Netherlands vs. Germany: Pros and Cons

ExpatrioDec 11, 2024 9:00:00 AM

Are you thinking about where to pursue your higher education? If you're interested in studying in Europe, you might be wondering whether Germany or...

Frau am Laptop

German dual apprenticeship system

ExpatrioFeb 15, 2024 10:52:52 AM

In Germany, school leavers have the option of taking up a vocational apprenticeship instead of choosing full-time academic education. Known as ‘dual...

Schloss Neuschwanstein im Sommer

Best English-taught Bachelor’s Programs in Germany

ExpatrioDec 11, 2024 9:00:00 AM

There are many reasons you might want to pursue higher education in Germany. The country has a strong economy and is home to some of the world's top...

Nursing students in Germany

Study Nursing in Germany

ExpatrioDec 10, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Are you thinking about a career in nursing? Germany can be a great place to start. With a stable education system, a well-organized healthcare...

A group of students in a meeting

Studying in Germany vs. Canada: 15 Reasons Why

ExpatrioJul 9, 2024 2:43:57 PM

When it comes to deciding where to study, there are many factors that students need to consider. Two of the most popular destinations for...

A student in front of a laptop

Studying in Italy vs. Germany: The Ultimate Comparison

ExpatrioFeb 15, 2024 10:41:22 AM

It's no secret that studying in a different country can be an enriching experience. If you've chosen to pursue your higher education at a European...

The German Grading System: A Guide for International Students

The German Grading System: A Guide for International Students

ExpatrioDec 10, 2024 10:00:00 AM

If you have done your early education in India, the UK, or any other education system outside of Germany, you're likely familiar with seeing 100% as...

Study Dentistry in Germany

Study Dentistry in Germany

ExpatrioDec 10, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Are you passionate about dentistry and dreaming of studying abroad, exploring new cultures, and making a real impact on people's health? Germany...